I have worked on social research with the third sector, churches and academic institutions. My research interests include disability studies, critical neurodiversity studies, and participatory and activist research methods.

Member: British Sociological Association, Social Research Association, National Coalition of Independent Scholars.

Research Projects


University of Leeds: Research Assistant on the Inclusive Public Space Project, a six-year ERC-funded project investigating unequal access to city streets and public spaces in five countries, for groups including disabled people.

Article co-author, ‘Law’s role in fostering inclusive and accessible pedestrian environments: Insights from a multinational study,’ Project Repository Journal (forthcoming, 2024).


Ripon College, Cuddesdon: Qualitative Researcher contributing to a project on clergy marital breakdown.

St Stephen’s Church, Norwich: Qualitative Researcher leading a project on church local outreach through a community hub and cafe. Funded by HeartEdge.

Report co-author, Entrepreneurial Mission in a Church Café (Grove Books, 2023).


HeartEdge Network: Research Lead undertaking case study research across the network, including on social action in communities.

Report co-author, HeartEdge Case Studies (HeartEdge, 2021).


Starlight Children’s Foundation: Qualitative Researcher with a team working on research on children’s experiences of play and distraction in hospitals.

Report co-author, The Impact of Children’s Play in Hospitals (Starlight Children’s Foundation, 2020).

Support for Community Research


Sisters of Frida: Contributed to data analysis of research into disabled women’s experiences of inequality during Covid-19 lockdowns. Submission to Women and Equalities Committee inquiry ‘Unequal Impact’.

Report co-author, The Impact of COVID-19 on Disabled Women (Sisters of Frida, 2020).

I’ve also supported research projects and surveys with Inclusion Barnet, Disability Rights UK and other DPOs.

Research on Disability and Churches

2014-2019 & 2020-2021

My PhD research was a participatory study with disabled Christians in the UK, on their experiences of ableism and access in churches, the barriers many faced to leadership, and their own thinking about disability, God, faith and church. Read the thesis here.

The book At The Gates: Disability, Justice and the Churches shares the research with a broad audience. There’s also a downloadable booklet about the research findings, written in accessible language.

I continue to share the research findings through writing, speaking and training.