I am an activist social researcher in disability studies. I have worked on research projects in academia and not-for-profit organisations; I’m currently working on research about disabled people’s access to public space at the University of Leeds.
My book At The Gates: Disability, Justice and the Churches, with Emily Richardson, was based on my PhD research into disabled people’s experiences of churches. It was longlisted for the Michael Ramsey Prize. Other research interests include neurodiversity and activist disability research methods.
I have a few writing and editing projects underway, but the one I’m most excited about is the Our Disability Theologies project – an edited collection of lived theology by disabled people. The book will aim to amplify new disabled voices in theology and related fields. Watch this space for news!
I write and talk to the media about disability, society and churches, and I guest lecture and speak regularly at classes, conferences and events. And in my ‘other life,’ my disability consultancy offers disability equality training, neurodiversity training, and access advice for community organisations.
I’m a trustee for Disability Rights UK and a disability activist – and part of a growing movement of disabled and neurodivergent Christians calling for change in churches and society.
What You’ll Find at this Website
My research
Find out more here about my research in academia, not-for-profit organisations and church networks.
The book
Find out more about At the Gates: Disability, Justice and the Churches (Darton, Longman and Todd, 2022). The book shares stories from research with disabled Christians in the UK, centring their lived experience.
Talks & Media
Here’s where you’ll find my latest talks and media articles on disability, society and
churches – from podcasts and webinars to conferences and guest lectures.
Reach out if you’re interested in hearing from me at your event.
This is where you’ll find my full list of academic publications, along with a selection of media articles and other ways I share my research with the wider community.
At my blog you’ll find reflections, ideas in progress, publication news, and community news from the UK disability/disabled Christian movements.
Disability Equality Training and access advice
Your church or organisation needs Disability Equality Training. On a bespoke course, you’ll learn how to dismantle barriers, challenge ableism in your community or organisation, and commit to becoming a place of justice for disabled and neurodivergent people. Or reach out for general access advice.
Resources for churches on disability, access and justice
Visit the Resources page for resources and reading on disability, Christianity and justice, including tips on making your church more accessible to disabled people.