News! First of all, you might have seen that At the Gates has been longlisted for the Michael Ramsey Prize. We’re surprised and stoked! It’s a real honour to be on a list with incredible books like God is Not A White Man and Ghost Ship. To celebrate, At the Gates is on sale at a 50% discount, if you buy here and use the offer code mrp at checkout.

The other big news is that I’m co-editing an anthology with Amy Panton, for the Mad and Crip Theology Press. The working title is Our Disability Theology.

This will be a book by disabled people. We’re looking for contributors to explore the ways our experiences of disability and disabled body-minds shape our theologies – how we think and talk about faith and God (or the divine, or gods, if those ideas works better for you). The book will take lived experience seriously as a source of theology, in Christian and other faith traditions. This is sometimes called lived theology, and there’s not enough lived disability theology out there. In this book, we want to make space for some. We’re looking for personal reflections, creative writing, academic theology and research.

Most importantly, you don’t need to be an academic to submit an idea for a chapter. (Because we’ve had so many questions about this, we wrote this announcement.) We expect some of the chapters will be written by academics, but we also want the book to be a space where new writers and emerging theologians can contribute. You may not even think of your writing as ‘theology’ – but if it reflects on faith and starts from lived experience of disability, we’d love to hear your ideas. If we choose your idea for the book, we can help you turn it into a chapter.

All the details are here, including how to submit a proposal (idea for a chapter). Or there’s a Plain English version here. The deadline for proposals is not till 1st March 2024, so you’ve got time to think about it!